Spirax Sarco says typically, steam system operators use burner efficiency to indicate boiler efficiency. However, this ignores energy losses that can occur after the burner, such as scaled or dirty heat transfer surfaces or excessive boiler blowdown rates. The only way to obtain true boiler efficiency is to meter all energy into the boiler (in the gas and feed water) and compare this with the useful energy out of the boiler (in the steam). The company says the 850 Flow Computer is an all-in-one unit that uses input data from gas, water and steam flowmeters to calculate the energy efficiency of the boiler system without the need for additional equipment. The unit can display real-time and historical data for an easy way to detect drops in boiler efficiency and identify their causes quickly. This enables swift action to be taken to prevent unnecessary costs arising from inefficient boiler blowdown procedures, degradation of insulation or a system failure (for example, in heat recovery equipment). Using burner efficiency data alone, such changes can often go unnoticed until an expensive fuel bill comes in.
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