Plant & Works Engineering
Steam boiler package
Published:  08 August, 2014

fulton_boilers.jpgHeat transfer specialist FULTON reports it has supplied a skid-mounted, dual-fuel-fired steam boiler package to Southmead Hospital for a £430 redevelopment project. Steam from the skid-mounted package, which features two Fulton 60J boilers plus ancillaries, is used during the washing and sterilising of surgical equipment at the hospital’s temporary central sterile supply department (CSSD).

Commenting for the consulting engineers responsible for the CSSD and specification of the Fulton system – Richard Boocock says: “Steam is fundamental to the CSSD and we needed a system that could raise sufficient amounts and in a relatively short period. Fulton boilers are renowned for this and, fortunately for us, they are manufactured in Britain and also right on the doorstep of Southmead Hospital. This means Fulton can also offer immediate back up in the event of any servicing requirements or maintenance issues.”

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