Plant & Works Engineering
Portable FID emissions analysers
Published:  30 November, 2016

Quantitech.jpgQUANTITECH says it has supplied large numbers of MCERTS approved FID analysers in the UK for many years and these instruments are employed for the monitoring of TOC gas emissions in regulated processes. However, the company says the Bernath 3006 analyser has been discontinued so it has launched the portable SK Elektronik Thermo-FID PT, which offers improved performance and enjoys MCERTS approval.

Quantitech says it will continue to service the 3006 units, but customers wishing to upgrade their FID or to replace an ageing instrument will now be offered the portable Thermo-FID which weighs just 14Kg including a gas bottle holder, or 10kg as the free-standing version.

t: 01908 227722



Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company