Plant & Works Engineering
Heavy duty gear pumps
Published:  18 May, 2016

MSEVikingPump.jpgThe extensive range of Viking Pumps is said to provide one of the widest choices of pumping technologies and designs available today underpinned by Viking’s breadth of fluid handling knowledge and application expertise in solving the most challenging pumping problems. These pumps are available from MICHAEL SMITH ENGINEERS who says it is able to provide Viking pump users with a wealth of practical and technical experience for the complete range of Viking positive displacement pumps.

The range comprises four pump types; External and Internal Gear, Rotary Lobe and Rotary Vane, so a wide span of flow rates and discharge pressures are covered. Internal gear options include a Universal Seal pump.

These are available in 12 standard size options providing flow rates up to a maximum of 345 M3/Hr and are designed to meet the demands of heavy-duty, industrial pumping applications, even in the most challenging environments.

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