Plant & Works Engineering
Rolled bearings range
Published:  08 January, 2016

Bowman_International.jpgBOWMAN INTERNATIONAL reports it has launched the new BowMet range of rolled bearings, billed as the biggest advance in plain sliding bearings in more than 70 years.

The company says BowMet offers a higher load capacity and longer life than comparable bearings, together with outstanding heat, speed and corrosion capabilities and it is manufactured in the unique ToughMet alloy, developed by Materion in the USA.

With a static load of 820 N/mm2 and a PV value of 9.6 MPa x m/s, BowMet is said to be ideally suited to a wide range of harsh industrial applications, including mining and quarrying, heavy construction, motorsport, offshore oil and gas, materials handling and marine.

t: 01235 462500



Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company