Plant & Works Engineering
On-line electric motor monitoring system
Published:  05 August, 2010

The SKF On-line Motor Analysis System - NetEP, is a networked system designed to give ongoing automated evaluation of critical electric motor assets, with data analysis that can be accessed globally at any time via the internet. The system has been developed by Baker Instrument Company (part of the SKF Group) a specialist electric motor management company.

The SKF On-line Motor Analysis System - NetEP will provide critical data for industries, including power generation and utilities, where critical electric motor assets are operated over extended or continuous periods and are only shut down during planned outages. Reliable and consistent monitoring is essential between planned outages to identify weakening or faulty rotating equipment that can lead to motor failure, and potentially costly and unexpected downtime and production losses.

With the new SKF On-line Motor Analysis System- NetEP, route based monitoring with portable devices are no longer required. Data can be collected from 32 motors at the same time, on more than 140 parameters, with results that can be accessed from any location with an internet connection.

Curt Lanham, President of Baker Instrument Company  commented: "We are very excited to announce the launch of this new on-line system, which is a natural evolution in our electric motor testing portfolio. It takes the proven capabilities of our market leading EXP technology, and adds the capability for 24/7 monitoring with multiple user defined parameters.” He continued: “By increasing the frequency of monitoring, we improve our knowledge of the motors health, allowing us to identify early signs of concern and to spot any deterioration patterns through trending data. As a result we can help our customers achieve significant maintenance and operational related cost savings. In addition, the system can aid in cost and energy savings through better understanding of a motor's efficiency and performance in a given application, helping achieve better energy efficiencies.”

The SKF On-line Motor Analysis System- NetEP will notify the user of alarm situations with an easy to read interface, maintain all database functionality and trend all data for enhanced analysis. Additionally, since there is always a risk when connecting to live electrical networks in a working environment, the NetEP will improve plant safety related issues.

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