Plant & Works Engineering
Oil conditioning unit extends
Published:  12 July, 2010

SKF has launched an Oil Conditioning Unit designed to enhance oil lubrication in a range of demanding applications across industries including cement, mining and quarrying. The low pressure pump-filtration unit is designed to be easy to integrate with existing machine systems to provide a simple and efficient method of removing oil contaminants while maintaining oil temperatures at optimum levels. In practice, the new Oil Conditioning Unit can play a significant role in reducing wear, extend service life and significantly minimise lubricant, maintenance and repair costs.
The new SKF Oil Conditioning Unit creates optimal lubrication conditions by removing contamination, including abraded and oxidised particles, and maintaining oil temperature, resulting in correct oil viscosity. It is installed directly onto machinery and, once connected, is ready for continuous operation. Ongoing maintenance is not required and only periodic filter changes are necessary. It is particularly useful on machinery where filtration does not exist or where the current filtration is unable to meet operating demands.
By filtering the oil, using a kidney loop filtration system, the SKF Oil Conditioning Unit offers significant cost savings including lower lubricant costs, minimal waste oil disposal costs, reduced maintenance and component consumption costs, and lower repair costs. Potential machine downtime is also shortened.
The SKF Oil Conditioning Unit is available in two designs. The first is available for applications where only filtration is required. The second version combines an air or water cooler with the filtration unit to reduce lubricant temperature. SKF says it can also customise the filtration and cooling unit to include temperature, pressure and moisture transmitters, flowmeters, thermometers and various control valves. These enable SKF to customise the unit to meet a wide range of industrial applications.
With extended machine service life through reduced wear and improved lubrication, the SKF Oil Conditioning Unit helps to protect machinery from unexpected failures. This, in addition to the extended useful service life of the lubricant itself, leads to significantly reduced ongoing costs and increased productivity.

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