Make UK and language experts FlashAcademy have teamed up to help save lives and reduce workplace incidents.
Poor English skills mean migrant workers are twice as likely to be killed or suffer injuries in the workplace because they are unable to grasp vital safety rules and instructions. These startling figures compiled by the HSE showed that many workers are also worried they risk losing their jobs if their lack of English becomes known - and so pretend to have understood critical Health and Safety training.
A new Workplace English App - developed in partnership with Make UK, the manufacturers’ organisation and language experts the FlashAcademy - supports migrant workers by delivering health and safety technical training and general English skills in 20 home languages. The app combines both technical and general English training, helping manufacturers to improve communication, safety, and productivity levels.
Recent changes in Health & Safety legislation now require employers to demonstrate that not only has training been delivered, but that their employees have understood it and acted on the information. The health & safety content and lean manufacturing content for the app has been delivered by Make UK experts.
The app covers off training across a wide range of topics and delivers:
• COVID-19 category to ensure employees understand new rules and messaging surrounding COVID-19 in the workplace. Lessons cover vocabulary on the virus, symptoms, government guidelines, social distancing, hygiene and cleaning, PPE, risk assessments and workforce management. Features realistic dialogue challenge centred on a coronavirus-related workplace scenario to reinforce messaging.
• Health and Safety briefings and helping employees understand regulations in the workplace.
• Productivity improvement while developing employee culture and communication with training that covers industry-specific vocabulary as well as developing general English skills
The app is accessible on all devices to allow companies to assign bespoke training to each employee and will not require dedicated time away from the production line as the training can be done any time. The learning is delivered via a blend of traditional lessons, games and adaptive technology and uses a unique object translator, so learners can point their device at any object around them to understand how to say the word in English.
A key automotive supplier, Lander Automotive, has been piloting the new FlashAcademy Workplace app for their migrant workers.
Ian Hunter, head of Health and Safety Consultancy Make UK said:
“This app will really help manufacturers and wider industry deliver appropriate and effective health and safety training to their migrant workers, ensuring they are properly protected in the workplace. The simple technology enables all employees to make sure they completely understand those vital safety instructions designed to keep employees safe in the work environment.”
Anita Davenport-Brooks, HR manager, Lander International said:
“It enables our teams to communicate better, even when they speak lots of different languages. I think lots of different companies should consider taking up FlashAcademy® Workplace.”
Veejay Lingiah, CEO, FlashAcademy added:
“FlashAcademy is delighted to be launching this new digital English app innovation alongisde MAKE UK and our goal is to make a significant impact for employers with diverse workforces, helping to accelerate technical English for employees working across a range of different businesses.”
There are 9million workers in the UK with low literacy, limiting their access to work now, and to further training for the jobs of the future.
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