The Manufacturing Technology Centre is launching a brand new initiative, in partnership with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority, that brings world leading manufacturing research, technology and experts together. Embarking on a ten year mission, the £15 million funded programme aims to accelerate the implementation of innovative physical and digital manufacturing technologies into UK manufacturing and supply chains.
Based in the heart of Liverpool, the project will build a state-of-the-art re-configurable factory, with digital and physical test beds, to support manufacturing businesses and provide new high value engineering jobs and apprenticeships.
The facility will utilise cutting-edge equipment, software and expertise to support organisations with the research and development of their products, manufacturing processes and technology. During the first phase of the project, estimated to take three years, manufacturing and supply chain companies, RTOs and academics are invited to be a part of the programme to provide requirements and use cases with the opportunity to shape the project scope or to become a potential solution provider for the Digital Manufacturing Accelerator ecosystem.
The MTC is hosting a number of live webinars, inviting businesses and organisations to learn more about the project. Watch and listen to the project leaders, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and stakeholders discuss the project. You’ll also be able to ask questions and get involved during the interactive sessions. The first live webinar takes place on the 18th June.
For further information please visit the DMA Launch Event webpage at: