Plant & Works Engineering
Digital multimeter for industrial and benchtop electrical inspection
Published:  01 February, 2018

FLIR917_-_DM91.jpgFLIR recently announced the FLIR DM91 Industrial true-root mean square multimeter for electrical inspection and says built for industrial electricians and benchtop workers, the 18-function DM91 digital multimeter is capable of datalogging and storage for up to 10 sets of 40k scalar measurements, with a recall function for data review.

Flir says designed to streamline the inspection process and simplify data collection for electricians and benchtop workers, the ergonomic, durable FLIR DM91 features an intuitive user interface for effective and efficient inspection in the widest range of electrical and electronic system applications. Bluetooth technology allows connection to the FLIR Tools mobile app that allows for uploading and sharing data with a team or client, and wireless connectivity to compatible FLIR infrared cameras.


Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company