Plant & Works Engineering
Pumps provide solution
Published:  01 December, 2016

PM_Pumps.pngAround 80% of sewer blockages are said to be caused by non-flushable items such as wet-wipes. The costs associated with clearing these blockages are high with one region alone, North West Water, estimating the costs at around £10m per year. Through experiences with a number of water companies, P&M PUMPS, UK distributor for Vaughan Chopper Pumps, says it has succeeded in providing a solution by replacing failing submersible pumps. For example, at Anglian Water’s pumping station in Cambourne two Vaughan 30kW / 1460rpm SE6W chopper pumps were specified to handle flows up to 400m3/hr at heads of 17.8.

The company says a quick retro fit was all that was required utilising all the existing installation hardware and this provided an effective solution to prevent blockages and instances of drains ‘backing-up’.

t: 01487 830123.



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