Plant & Works Engineering
Patent protection granted
Published:  10 September, 2015

seaward_electronic.jpgSEAWARD says its most advanced portable appliance tester has been awarded a UK patent that recognises its unique ability to combine formal visual inspections and all required electrical testing as part of a formal safety risk assessment process.

The company says the Apollo 600 has been specifically designed to incorporate a range of special features in line with HSE guidance to ensure that the inspection and testing of workplace electrical appliances is proportionate to the safety risks presented.

To meet this need, as well as an onboard risk assessment tool to help determine re-test intervals, the multi-purpose PAT tester incorporates a built-in digital camera to enable high quality images to be tagged against appliance test records.

t: 0191 586 3511



Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company