HSS Hire, has launched LiveHire - a free online hire management system.
HSS Livehire is a secure and personalised extranet that allows large customers to hire and off-hire in real time, control entire registers of assets by site or by account and to change any or all of the details at the touch of a button. Users can also view and manage financial statements and KPI reports instantly, online and in real time. By providing such transparent access to, and immediate control of, all aspects of the entire hire portfolio, customers can optimise hire periods, streamline transaction costs and drive out inefficiencies.
Importantly, in an industry with complex pricing structures and inventory lists that can run into the thousands, HSS LiveHire reflects any bespoke customer pricing and discount agreements and removes much of the time-intensive administration associated with managing large fleets of hire equipment.
Chris Davies, CEO of HSS Hire, commented on the launch of LiveHire:"It's a complete e-commerce system that uses the same look and feel as the websites we all buy from everyday and it"s free and incredibly easy to use. Our aim is to give our customers better management of the equipment they have on hire, driving efficiencies and helping them to bring their costs down in the process. Saving time and money are always important factors for any business but, now more than ever, intelligent top-line solutions must be found to identify efficiencies and drive out unnecessary costs and LiveHire will help deliver against those needs."
For further information please visit: www.hss.com