Plant & Works Engineering
Transmission of data
Published:  15 June, 2017

Rittals_new_Blue_e_cooling_units_and_chillers.jpgRITTAL says capturing, transmitting and processing data lies at the heart of what has been dubbed “the fourth industrial revolution” and continues it’s one of the reasons why cutting-edge connectivity has become so important in factories and similar environments to facilitate new, smarter ways of working, such as predictive maintenance.

Rittal says connectivity is a feature of its new cooling units and chillers and its recent collaboration with Siemens MindSphere and IBM Watson IoT provides a unique insight into the capabilities and opportunities which exist, now and in the future for a world enabled by Industry 4.0.

Rittal says its new Blue e+ cooling units and chillers consume an average of 70% less power than their conventional counterparts and they also raise the bar in M2M communication.

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Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company