Plant & Works Engineering
Make UK launches redundancy kits
Published:  08 October, 2020

Make UK has launched a new suite of downloadable toolkits giving instant access to a full suite of redundancy support, to enable employers to manage a robust and fair process.

The toolkits have been designed to take account of logistical and technical complexities that have been created as a result of Covid-19.

Earlier this month, figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that the number of redundancies in the UK has accelerated at the fastest pace since the financial crisis in 2007-2008, with 156,000 people being made redundant in the three months prior to July.

“These are unprecedented times for employers across the UK” said Nicola Kibble from Make UK Legal Services. “Our toolkits are aimed to not only give clarity and guidance when it comes to redundancies, but for many small businesses they offer a support service which they may well not have internally.”

Make UK’s Redundancy Toolkits will help businesses to:

• comply with UK employment law regulations regarding redundancy

• ensure each communication and letter issued is legally compliant and provides all necessary information to the employee;

• adapt processes to accommodate new working arrangements and considerations created as a result of Covid-19.

The Redundancy Toolkits provide template letters, forms and supporting guidance, written by Make UK’s team of experienced employment lawyers. Businesses which purchase a toolkit will also receive one month’s access to Make’s telephone and live chat support for expert guidance in relation to redundancy process and procedure.

There is a choice of two toolkits; if the proposed redundancy project requires employers to carry out statutory collective consultation with trade union or employee representatives, select the Redundancy toolkit (including statutory collective consultation) (contains 23 template documents). Otherwise, the standard Redundancy toolkit (contains 19 template documents) can provide all the documentation needed.

Determining when statutory collective consultation rules apply can be complex, but as a general principle they are applicable where an employer is proposing to make 20 or more redundancies at a single establishment within a period of 90 days.

If you are unsure which Redundancy toolkit you need, call 0808 168 5874 to discuss your options.

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