Plant & Works Engineering
Helping people to keep their distance
Published:  01 July, 2020

Responding to the need for technologies to slow the spread of Covid-19, SICK has developed PeopleCounter and DistanceGuard SensorApps which help to ensure that people keep to the recommended distance apart.

The SICK PeopleCounter is a SensorApp based on a machine learning algorithm running on SICK’s MRS1000 3D LiDAR sensor. One or more sensors can be set up to count people at entry and exit points, or allow users to control the number of people occupying a pre-defined area in real time.

The PeopleCounter works by using a specially-developed on-board algorithm to evaluate the point-cloud data generated by the MRS1000. Because the SensorApp can use data from the MRS1000’s four 275° scanning layers to determine direction of movement, the number of people in a monitored area can be updated in real time.

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