Plant & Works Engineering
On-site trials: a low-risk approach to proof of concept
Published:  02 June, 2020

By Matt Hale, international sales & marketing director, HRS Heat Exchangers :

Trials are invaluable for assessing product quality parameters, testing packaging design, consumer research, producing samples and more. HRS has developed a range of portable trial units which allow clients to test equipment including tubular and scraped surface heat exchangers, pilot evaporation plants and mobile piston pumps.

For example, the HRS Asepticblock Mini Series allows manufacturers to produce new trial products involving pasteurisation and aseptic packing without the expense or wastage that can accompany full-scale trials. It also alleviates the need to suspend or interfere with routine production.

Another aid to conducting trials is the HRS BPM Series of reciprocating, positive-displacement pumps. In addition, the modular nature of many HRS heat exchangers means that we can also provide trial units of many of our heat exchanger models.



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