Plant & Works Engineering
Q. How can I quickly and effectively monitor vibration on rotating equipment?
Published:  02 January, 2018

The answer to this month’s trouble shooter is provided by Sam Thiara, Emerson Automation Solutions.


Vibration in industrial rotating equipment can be an indication of problems and should be addressed as the cause of the vibration can lead to poor performance and ultimately equipment failure.

Equipment such as Motors, fans, pumps, cooling tower fans, compressors and gearboxes can suffer from a number of problems, typically imbalance, misalignment, looseness, gear defects and pump cavitation. Typically, these issues can be identified through vibration monitoring.

Without effective monitoring and if left unchecked, vibration itself leads to a rapid acceleration of wear and possible safety issues. Extreme vibration can lead to excessive energy consumption, equipment failure and plant downtime.

Effective monitoring and analysis, as part of a preventative maintenance programme, can provide guidance to maintenance engineers as to the right remedial action before a catastrophic failure occurs.

Using wireless-enabled vibration transmitters is a low cost means of collecting and analysing vibration and temperature data. This offers maintenance engineers fast and easy access to equipment that can often be expensive to connect, especially when installed in hard-to-reach places.

Wireless vibration transmitters provide complete access to vibration data including overall levels, energy bands, high resolution spectra and waveforms that helps both operations and maintenance personnel with equipment and asset health data.

Avoiding downtime through faster data collection and analysis can lead to significant savings for a plant.