Plant & Works Engineering
Water testing training course launched
Published:  08 June, 2017

The CEA has launched a new two-day training course aimed at water testing. 

Things have moved on in terms of boiler operation and guidance with BG04 the "Boiler Water Treatment Guide" being launched in 2016. This is as an easy to use guide for the lay person to understand what's happening with the boiler water chemistry and is quickly becoming the definitive guidance on the subject of boiler water treatment.

In BG04 it states that 95% of all boiler related accidents and incidents are as a result of poor management of boiler water treatment. This is often because people are unaware of what needs to be done, why it needs to be done and what the results are telling you.

The job of managing boiler water treatment is often left to contractors to do on a once a month basis, which is not adequate, and people often glaze over when trying to understand the chemistry involved. This is understandable when in BG04 there are almost 8 pages of commonly used terms for this subject alone.

Therefore, CEA with its specialist water treatment partners have now created an approved training course to sit alongside BG04. The training is designed for people who are not chemists and don't have any qualifications in boiler water treatment, but who are responsible for operating or managing their site boilers.

The only way of knowing what's going on inside your steam system is by water testing.

The cheapest way to run a safer and energy efficient system, prolong the life of the plant and limit downtime is to manage the boiler water treatment correctly.

Legislation (PUWER) the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation 1998 requires that equipment provided for use at work is used only by people who have received adequate information and training - this includes steam boilers and the water you put in them. The PSSR (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations) also highlights this in regulation 11.

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