Plant & Works Engineering
Carbon infra-red oven
Published:  28 April, 2017

Heraeus_Noblelight.pngA purpose-built carbon infra-red oven has reportedly been instrumental in allowing Duerr’s of Manchester to change from a hot water rinse system to a cold air rinse system at its Wythenshawe jam-making site. As a result, water-usage and water-heating bills have been significantly reduced and more effective control has been established over the total jar heating and rinsing process.

It was decided to replace the aging water-rinsing plant with a modern air-rinsing plant, bearing in mind that this would require a separate jar-heating system and the potential of infra-red heating was investigated. David Costello, projects manager, contacted HERAEUS NOBLELIGHT to ask the specialist infra-red company to carry out tests at its Neston Applications Centre. These proved so successful that a 50.4kW carbon medium wave oven was installed.

t: 0151 353 2710



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