Plant & Works Engineering
Rupture disc and safety valve
Published:  19 May, 2016

Elfab.jpgRupture discs and holders are commonly used in combination with pressure relief valves (PRVs). Even though rupture discs can be used on their own, the benefits of using both are said to be making this solution a popular choice in the process industries. ELFAB says not only can this combination extend valve life, it can also improve maintenance schedules and support with emission control, while helping to reduce long-terms costs.

Due to increasing safety pressures on businesses, Elfab says it recognised the demand for a robust design to improve overall safety performance and sought to develop a technically superior rupture disc assembly (PRV-GARD), combining its leading rupture disc ranges with an improved holder solution that allows safe opening of a rupture disc when installed before a pressure relief valve. Elfab says with its increased face to face holder design, it ensures that full opening after burst is achieved, eliminating the risk of the disc protruding the holder; a significantly important factor when using a rupture disc and PRV in series. The company says using its rupture discs in combination, it will assure a high quality operation and support with SIL ratings. For those applications that require additional valve protection, Elfab says it will work with customers to achieve a practical solution.

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