Plant & Works Engineering
Zero liquid discharge
Published:  04 November, 2014

wanner_nov_international.jpgHYDRA CELL says the addition of super duplex stainless steel to the range of liquid head materials available now enables its Hydra-Cell G15 pumps to manage the tough-to-handle waste waters processed in ‘zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems.

As water becomes an ever more expensive commodity, industrial, oil, chemical and petrochemical companies are said to be increasingly turning to ZLD systems, minimising wastewater discharge and maximising water recovery.

Frequently these wastewaters have high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and many contain particulate matter that can cause severe wear in pumps with tight tolerances and rapidly degrade seals. Having no tight tolerances and no dynamic seals to wear, Hydra-Cell pumps are reported to be proving to be ideal for this application.

t: 01252 816847



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