Plant & Works Engineering
Coolant mist filters
Published:  12 August, 2014

airbench.pngAIRBENCH have announced the acquisition of the OMF range of media filters for coolant mist filtration following the recent liquidation of ACS Ltd.

AirBench reports the OMF range has been the UK’s leading media filter for coolant mist for many years, and has been successfully supplied by ACS to thousands of customers, both within the UK and across Europe.

AirBench says it intends to continue this successful delivery, and has released this product under a new brand name, AirWorks.

The AirWorks OMF 1000 and OMF2500 will shortly be available to purchase for end users. Most importantly, Air Bench says existing customers can now contact it for supply of replacement filters for existing OMF units, ensuring continuity of supply and no interruption to production.

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