Plant & Works Engineering
Ultra low exhaust emissions gas truck
Published:  15 February, 2007

Nissan will be showing its latest DX Series ultra low emission gas truck on the Calor stand (No 07, adjacent Hall 17) at this year’s IMHX. The forklift features Nissan’s patented Tri-Cat System, which is fitted as standard. It reduces harmful exhaust emissions by up to 98% and is said to guarantee maximum fuel economy.
The system - a combination of three-way catalytic converter and computerised engine management technology - will be introduced across the complete range of Nissan LP gas trucks this year in an enhanced Tri-Cat Ultra version.
Soot-free exhaust has made LP gas an increasingly popular choice in recent years for operations involving inside working near to personnel, or where loads such as paper or textiles can be easily marked.
But as Nissan points out, unless properly controlled, the emissions from a gas-powered engine can be just as unpleasant - and harmful - as those from unclean diesel.
The Nissan Tri-Cat System is believed to be the only lift truck installation of its type with a catalyst which addresses all three of the toxic substances produced when LP gas is burnt. It reduces carbon monoxide by 91%, hydrocarbons by 96% and oxides of nitrogen by 98%.
A further feature of  Tri-Cat is to provide optimum fuel economy through constant engine management. Electronic sensors continually monitor engine output, controlling and supplying just the right air-to- fuel ratio for the truck’s operational requirements.
Nissan claims that regardless of the composition of the LPG fuel, environmental conditions and the condition of the engine, the Tri-Cat System always provides optimal combustion.
As well as ensuring minimum gas pollution and maximum fuel economy, the “closed loop” air fuel ratio control helps to minimise maintenance.
“Most manufacturers do not fit a catalytic converter at all as standard to their gas-powered trucks”, said Nissan’s national technical manager, Doug Wyatt. “When some do, it is typically a low-cost two-way system. Most often this fails to address oxides of nitrogen (NOx), and is generally not as efficient as the Nissan system in removing hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO).”

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