Plant & Works Engineering
Hygienic factory design
Published:  26 October, 2017

Arctica.jpgNiall McQuitty, (pictured) architectural director at Stamford-based design firm ARCTICA, has announced he will be discussing best practice in hygienic factory design at a Food and Drink Federation conference entitled Hygiene by Design taking place at the FDF’s London premises on 16 November.

Niall McQuitty said: “Companies engaging in the new build and development of food manufacturing sites are under increasing pressure to ensure they are fit for purpose in terms of constantly changing regulations around hygiene. Hygiene is critical to the success of any food and drink manufacturing business. It is therefore crucial that manufacturers develop best practice based upon the principles of hygienic engineering and design right from the start of the planning process of a specific project. This is true right through the design process".


Click here for the full unedited version of the release as provided by the company