Plant & Works Engineering
New range on offer
Published:  10 September, 2014

dpac.jpgdpac UK Ltd reports it has reached an agreement to exclusively distribute Thermocold products to the UK and Ireland.

George Tinsly of dpac UK quoted: "The broad range of quality in Thermocold products is something we have been searching for from a single supplier for some time. As such we are looking for strong growth and a long-term relationship with Thermocold in unique market sectors." The company says these sectors will include Atex and marine cooling along with close control, free cooling and inverter screw chillers as well as conventional chillers and heat pumps. Thermocold says its products also inlcude the 'Artech' chiller, the 'Domino' modular type chiller and the Multitube 4 and 6 pipe heat pump systems where cooling and heating are a requirement on site all year round. dpac UK says it is already working on projects with Thermocold hydrocarbon and CO2 refrigerants.Simon Lamberton - pine MD of dpac Uk Ltd said:"These are certainly exciting times for dpac our agents, resellers and franchisees."
