Plant & Works Engineering
Product of the Year Award
Published:  26 February, 2014

SVANTEK’S SV 104 noise dosimeter has been given the US stamp of approval by winning the Industrial Hygiene category of the prestigious Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) magazine’s 2013 New Product of the Year Awards.

The robust SV104, which was entered by Svantek’s North American distributor Sensidyne, was said to be recognised for being the world’s most advanced instrument of its kind with features including:

Real-time octave band analysis that provides the data required for selection of personal hearing protection

Three independent dosimeter profiles that allow the performance of multiple surveys at the same time

Audio recording for peak or threshold noise source identification

A MEMS tri-axial vibration sensor that detects possible impacts

A durable MEMS microphone for greater shock resistance

workers and with less effort than previous methods.”

t: 07815 087915

